Agragami – The forerunner- is St. John the Baptist, a prophet who prepared the way for Jesus Christ………

The initial of ‘J’ and ‘B’ joined crowned by the cross forms the main part of Emblem. The waves suggest the wasters of river Jordan where St. John the Baptist baptized thousands of people.

The HOLY Bible shows John as the man of Integrity, the fearless ascetic, the humble and selfless forerunner of Christ.

 The burning torch in the emblem is a symbol of His zealous life. The zeal for God’s kingdom fills him with fire.

 John stood for TRUTH and JUSTICE and risked his head and his future. He remains as burning torch for us and for people of all times.

Saint John the Baptist, the Patron of the Sisters of St. John, was a disciple of Christ. He was the forerunner – Agragami – of Jesus Christ. Society of Sisters of St. John was founded in 1919. It started its presence in India in 1972. The society responds to the needs of the time and is engaged in various activities such as education both formal and informal, rehabilitation of the differently able and destitute, health care, empowerment of women, spiritual and pastoral care etc.

The society of sisters of St. John which constitutes a religious society in the Catholic Church was founded by a German priest by name Fr. John Mary Haw (1871-1949). His intense love and zeal to spread the kingdom of god, inspired him to work for the liberation of the downtrodden. Therefore, we take up the challenge of educating the children and youth with love and compassion of Jesus Christ, the supreme Guru. We recognize the unique personality and development of each one. We try to bring out the best in every student through a sound physical, emotional, intellectual, moral, cultural and spiritual formation. Our school has its own motto to give it a special identity. ac mattis risus.

 It is the character formed by practice of certain values which makes every Agragami student aware of justice and gives him/her courage to live for the truth. We work to maintain academic excellence in and through curricular activities. We instill in them the spirit of patriotism and prepare them to live as responsible citizens. The Society co-operates with other like-minded agencies, be the government or otherwise, to develop healthy, God fearing personalities and leaders, through the process of Human Resource Development.